Kempinski The Palm Dubai Wedding | Catherine and Thomas

Here is a post about a beautiful wedding story held in the Kempinski The Palm Dubai….

I started reading the book How To Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. I bought several books last year from the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale but I finally found the time to read them. During these trying times when business is down and when worrying about the future tries to steal your peace of mind, a little bit more effort to keep a positive mindset is required to keep functioning. Be intentional in feeding your soul hope and joy. Start a gratitude journal because we all know it is not all bad. Read books and chat with friends who can cry and laugh with you. Avoid social media that will feed you with negativity and instead focus on the beautiful things. And here is a beautiful memory of a beautiful couple, Catherine and Thomas, we covered last year.
Catherine and Thomas were childhood sweethearts from the United Kingdom and their destiny took them together to live in Dubai. Their simple wedding at Kempinski Residences at The Palm Dubai was attended by not more than 80 family and friends. There were heartfelt tears and fun – from the father’s first look to the wedding vows and then the speeches during the cocktail. They had a sunny beachside wedding and cocktail by the lawn. Then buses took all the guests on a yacht to cap their evening. Telling their story now brings joy to me and I hope to look at these images has brought a smile to your face.
Hair and Makeup: Hayley Bingley
Venue: Kempinski Residences the Palm


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