Angels, for most of us, are winged creatures with shining halos singing hymns and hallelujahs all day long. But for me, mothers are angels, heaven-sent to care for God’s little children.

Mother's DayMother's DayMother's DayMother's DayMother's DayMother's Day

My mother is an angel for me. I never used to understand why she was so strict and I often make snide remarks when she reprimands me. But now as I look back, I thank her for those times she corrected me and led me to the right direction. She wasn’t always right but her intentions were and I am just glad she loved us. I thank her for my “happy” childhood. Her patience with us while she read our books and made sample tests helped us to get good grades. She helped us do our homeworks. She cooked for us everyday and she never got tired washing and ironing our clothes. She was there when we cried and was ready to protect us from bullies at school. She did not spoil us and spanked us when we did wrong.

Now that I have my own little daughter, I realize how hard it is to be a mom. It takes supernatural strength and patience that only comes from God to endure daily challenges. There is no doubt…mothers are angels. To all awesome moms, especially my Mama, happy mother’s day!!!

Mother's Day


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