Travel Photography | The Paris Dream: The Louvre

Musee du Louvre trip

On our third day in Paris, we have seen so many sights and taken a ton of photos. So I am segregating them by story. One of the stories will be about Musee du Louvre. I cannot express how excited I was to enter one of the renowned museums in the world. I will get to see famous artworks in person which I only saw in books and the internet. Well, my excitement wasn’t shared by my companions. One of them even fell asleep!

Musee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre trip

Okay, I will not bore you with the history of the artworks in these photos. For me, this one tells the story. No one goes to Louvre and doesn’t take a photo of the Mona Lisa, right guys? And once you are in, it is so difficult to go out of this mob paying tribute to lady in the painting.

Musee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre trip

This image seemed to blend the painting with reality…the colors are still vibrant on this Wedding at Cana painting by Paolo Veronese from 15th century.

Musee du Louvre trip

The nooks and corners are art themselves like this one…looked like a man climbing the staircase to heaven.

Musee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre trip

These children are so lucky to have their field trip here!

Musee du Louvre trip

We didn’t get to see the entire Louvre and I didn’t get to learn about all the stories behind the artifacts. This picture will make you wonder how they become objects in the toilette. And why this mummy tomb is happier than the rest.

Musee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre trip

Enjoy the rest of these pictures as I am glad I could say I have been there!

Musee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre tripMusee du Louvre trip

Surely, those who loves the art and history will be in awe when they visit the Louvre!


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