Melrish Will Hit the Streets (Photos from Florence)

Inspired by Thomas Leuthard and Eric Kim, we decided to also sharpen our street photography. Why?

We love wedding photojournalism. We love capturing the emotions and the events that transpire during a wedding ceremony and celebration. We think that street photography is somewhat similar. For us, street photography is the documentation of life on the streets (or mall or train station). Similar to wedding photojournalism, you should be on your toes to catch that interesting glimpse of life, that fleeting moment when you connect yourself to a stranger through your lens. They may not know it and life goes on for them but your life changes as you capture them in a photograph. However, unlike a wedding, street photography is more challenging because you are the uninvited guest. There is more risk. But we think that while we practice streetography, we improve our wedding photography skills at the same time. We like being invisible in events so we can capture those real emotions. In street photography, you have to be invisible as you take that shot.

Join us as we learn more about street photography and improve our skills. Looking back, here are our street photos from Florence when we went there in 2009.


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