Today is a special day. Our little girl is two – the dreaded “terrible” year. She had terrible spells already a couple of days ago and it was something new for us. If you have any advise for a screaming toddler in public, let us hear it. But then again, she has sweeter tricks under her sleeves – she gives us sweeter hugs and she can now say “I wab yu” (I love you). If your heart doesn’t melt with that, I don’t know what will. She always says thank you when given something too. She likes to sing the 5 Little Monkeys while jumping on the bed and “Tomorrow” from the 1982 movie Annie. By the way, she broke her Annie DVD so if anyone knows where we can buy one, please let us know.

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To our little cheeky angel, we will always be here for you to guide you and keep you safe. God will keep you safe. Happy birthday!


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