Jumeirah Beach Hotel Wedding | Gavin & Jenna

Here is a Jumeirah Beach Hotel Wedding held last year. Posting another late post, am I? I am trying to catch up with all our past weddings since last year. It is just a shame not to share these beautiful weddings with you. Most of our blog visitors look for inspiration for the own upcoming wedding or they just want to experience the excitement of being a wedding photographer witnessing a wedding. As Dubai wedding photographer, we have so many weddings that I will be missing out on some weddings unless I write everyday which is impossible during this busy month, and the next month and the month after that! Plus I want to share some corporate works too. Thinking about all of it makes me want to take a vacation! Now that is my favorite topic to blog. 🙂

Gavin and Jenna were both from the UK and most of their guests too. Dubai is a favorite destination wedding spot from people from Europe because of its reliable weather (there is only a 1% probability that it will rain on your wedding day unless it is November or December which will increase the chance of rain by 3%). Dubai, because of its central location, is not very far away from many countries which makes it one of the top destination wedding cities.

Gavin & Jenna’s wedding is probably the last wedding held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel Uptown Bar. It was a lovely venue overlooking Jumeirah and the Arabian Gulf. Before the ceremony, Jenna and her girls got ready and Gavin in a separate room at Le Meridien Hotel in the Marina. Here are some moments captured. My favorites are Gavin’s reaction while reading a letter from his bride and the moment Jenna’s father saw his daughter in a wedding gown for the first time.:

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The late Helen Schrader was also the celebrant for this wedding. Continuing her legacy is her daughter Cecile so if you are looking for a wedding or baby naming celebrant, Helen Schrader lives on at www.helenschrader.com. It was a hot and sunny afternoon, very Dubai, so the guests were very eager to wrap up the ceremony and move on to the party on a yacht.

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To Gavin and Jenna who already is enjoying their new baby, wishing you all the happiness. May these memories bring back to you the joy you had on your wedding day. Xx


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