Filipino Wedding in Dubai | Dan and Thea

“Kilig” is a Tagalog word which I think doesn’t have a direct English translation. “Kilig” is described as sudden feeling of an inexplicable joy one gets when something romantic happens (according to the urban dictionary). It is a feeling like having butterflies in your stomach…or when you find yourself smiling uncontrollably while watching a romantic film or when you get a text from your crush. For us, “kilig” was what we felt when we shot Dan and Thea’s wedding last year.

Park Hyatt Wedding | Dan and Thea Wedding from Melrish Photos and Films on Vimeo.

Dan and Thea went to the same school in the Philippines when they were in high school. They had no romantic links of that sort nor did they find each other interesting then. I worked with Thea a few years back. She was a hard-working, fun-loving and youthful person. She was a simple girl who seemed to be a newly grad because of her youthful disposition and simplicity. She was the type of girl with no frills and who didn’t wore make up at work. She would wear rubber shoes and jeans on casual Thursdays and her idea of fun was to hang out with her friends in a coffee shop or an out of town trip with them.

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographersDubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dan, on the other hand, with tattoos all over his arms and back was the bad boy type who would get into brawls and was happy go lucky until he met Thea again. When they met in Dubai, they had sparks fly and found themselves falling in love with each other.

Their beautiful wedding was witnessed by their families, friends and church mates. Thea looked divine in white and Dan looked sleek in a white suit too. It was a beautiful garden wedding in Park Hyatt overlooking the sunset. It was a gorgeous day and every element in their wedding was an effort put by either their families or friends from church.

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

A big Dan and Thea name displayed in the reception was hand made by their friends. The place was decorated by their friends too and the golf buggy even had their names and some soda cans tied to it. The fireworks?…thanks to last year’s DSF activities.

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers

Dubai wedding photographers


Everything was beautiful and all praise was given to God. That actually what made this wedding even more “kilig”…they have attributed their love story and how everything in their wedding have fallen into place to God. It is a love story which will make you believe in dreams again and trust in God that He has made someone for you, someone who will complete you.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

P.S. Thank you to all our second shooters that day – Allan, Joem, Rico, Ram and Trix


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