Birthdays, Farewell and Just For Fun

I have been very busy since the month of May started. It looks like it will be a busy month ahead.
1st May
– We had a farewell lunch gathering for Karen who left Dubai to stay in the Philippines. We’ll miss her. Later that night we went to Sam’s flat to have an authentic Ethiopian dinner. We all watched the movie Taken.
2nd May – We wanted to stay home all day but I forgot some tasks I needed for my work. So we went to DCC to mock-up and afterwards, we decided to watch X-men Origins. Great movie…9/10. Better than the previous X-Men movie.

3rd May – A lot of people are celebrating their birthdays this and beautiful people! lol! So we prepared a surprise dinner for Leah, Monique and Judson (though he was travelling to India that time). Their official birthdate is 4th May, we wanted to share the celebration with our College and Career friends and EB. 4th May – Never-ending birthday celebration for Monique. Some of us went and surprised her with a dinner in Baker and Spice Restaurant in Souk Al Bahar. And I realized, in contrary to my last entry, the Dancing Fountain in Dubai Mall sways to different music from all over the globe. Interesting, huh?
5th May – Our last Perspectives meeting. Tuesdays will never be the same. Perspectives have changed the way I view my life and God has opened my eyes to His real purpose in my life, His purpose for the nations and His ultimate purpose for His kingdom.
6th May – Finally, got home early to re-upload songs in my iPod, cook and eat at home, download pictures from my camera and of course, write this blog. Whew…I need a break! But I don’t think that’s happening soon enough as my reading about Italy is up and over my head. Soooo excited for our trip!

So yeah, this doesn’t look like a lazy month…but it will be a lot of fun. Lots of good photos too!
(more pictures in my facebook and multiply account and of course in our website)


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