2016 : The Good, The Bad and The Hopefuls

So much has happened in 2016 that gave it quite a negative impression. Celebrity deaths, election of Trump, worsening situation in Syria, etc. But 2016 is just a number, it is just another year. We shouldn’t blame it on the calendar. In my opinion, what worsened is our indifference towards each other. We cared less of others and we focused more on our selves…maybe that is why it is also the year of selfies. On a personal and business side, we were blessed as Dubai wedding photographers and cinematographers because we met our goals in God’s grace. We can say it was a good year. Here are some of the GOOD things in pictures that happened this year:

More than a hundred of projects composed of corporate, wedding and engagement shoots. Here are a few of our favorites:

Dubai wedding photographer Dubai wedding photographer Dubai wedding photographer Dubai wedding photographer

Five destination weddings – we have travelled to Qatar, Bahrain, India, Philippines and Budapest this year to shoot weddings.

Dubai destination wedding photographer Dubai destination wedding photographer Dubai destination wedding photographer Dubai destination wedding photographer

Our first ever directed and produced film won 2nd place at the 48hr Film Project. We also won Best in Writing and Most Promising Film Maker. Our friend and main actor, Danabelle, won Best Actress Award. You can watch the trailer here:


We have won several awards in the Artistic Guild of Wedding Photojournalists Association quarterly contest. Here are some of those winning photos:

Award winning photographer Award winning photographer Award winning photographer Award winning photographer

As a family, we traveled to Switzerland, Vienna and Budapest. First time to see and touch real snow!


THE BAD. But not all days were happy and it is not all about winning. We faced issues every now and then. Before ending the year, we discovered that the people we trust have been dissing us behind our backs without reason. It was a hurtful revelation. But with God’s strength, we will weather this storm. We do not consider them setbacks but lessons learned. We will fall but we will get back on our feet wiser and stronger. People will be cruel and indifferent but we should keep on doing good and keep our thoughts clean.

Another year is dawning and it is full of hope. It will be full of challenges but also a year full of blessings and love. We are thankful for the family and friends who support us. Thankful for the clients who will trust us. MelRish will also undergo some changes so please watch out for that. But the same passion for storytelling will still be there, only more emphasized. We are still a HOPEFUL bunch of people striving to learn and get better everyday.

2017, we are ready for you!


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