After a long day at work and a long hot drive home, I feel like a deflated balloon. The 45 degree heat in Dubai has sucked out all the life in me. I want to go on a holiday but the piggy bank is empty and the person who owes us bucks seem to have an amnesia. It is a new month and the bills has just arrived. Ouch! My mind is flying to a place I have never been like Switzerland or Paris where my friends have recently been to and their photos told me these are the places I would want to be. Gaaa! I almost turned green as an algae with envy…I dream of holding my camera and taking photos of the blue mountains and green valleys or the iconic Eiffel Tower. But in reality, I am stuck in the middle of a humid desert with an empty pocket.

Turned right, roundabout straight then left then right, drove into the parking, parked the car and ran inside to the elevator. Finally I was home. I would have continued wallowing in self pity but then this face greeted me with a big smile.

How could I forget that I am so blessed not only with a very cute and cuddly baby but with an almost perfect hubby. I am blessed with true friends who are always there when you need them and who will sincerely pray for you when you are troubled. I have families who are miles away but their hearts are with me always. We have jobs that provide food on the table and basic necessities. We are healthy enough to work and play with our baby. And most important of all is that we have an eternal life to look forward to which no one can take away from us.

Sometimes we are too caught up with the material things that we do not see the countless blessings before us…the things that matters most. Thank God for all my blessings!


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