The Paris Dream: The Last Day

I feel sad that my story about our trip is finally over. But looking on the bright side, I still have several weddings, events and other personal adventures I will be blogging in the next few days.


On our last day in Paris, we went on a trip to Versailles. It was an amazing experience to see the Palace and walk the gardens. It was freezing cold at 13degrees with a light drizzle but totally enjoyed every minute. Khloe loved seeing all the greenery and the flowers.


After a refreshing trip to Versailles, we went back for a stroll down Champs Elysees.

ParisParisChamps ElyseesChamps Elysees

Look what hubby got me!

Champs Elysees

We had our last supper at Ribe after being drenched in the rain when it suddenly poured. Good thing Khloe had her raincoat on!

Champs Elysees

It was really sad to finally conclude a wonderful trip. One last look at Eiffel and we’re off!

Paris Eiffel Tower


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