The Karunakars – 20th Wedding Anniversary

It’s a blessing to be able to photograph this family last Saturday, they are so sweet and very hospitable. Here are a few of our favorites. More photos of them in our website.
Joel and Sujani are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this year and it has been a long time since they had a family portrait taken. So on the day of our shoot, they all dressed up in the traditional Indian clothing which made us excited to take their photos in their colorful clothes. Sujani and their daughters all wore the saris and salwar kameez while Joel and Jeremy wore the kurta pajama. It was an adoring sight.Since they basically established their lives here in Dubai and Canada, they later on changed to the western clothing – the kids are more comfortable with this.They did some candid poses and they never got tired of smiling. They were not camera shy and the cameras loved them.
(Notes to self: It is time for us to invest in really professional lighting to rid of the picture noise generated by high ISO shots…better lighting, better shots)
We will never forget this shoot with the Karunakars. Hope you will invite us again to take your family picture and that time we will be ready with our new professional lighting. 🙂


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