The Best 2021 Weddings | The MelRish Studio

To succeed in 2022, they said to start the new year with a positive mindset. We not only started the new year on a positive note but with a positive covid test as well. Arish was supposed to fly to Saudi for a project so he got tested before his flight and you guessed right, we are covid positive. It was no surprise as we were already feeling under the weather and we thought it was just the normal cold and flu that comes this time of year. Plus it has been raining the past few days after the new year. We have not gone to the office until we got tested so as not to infect our team so we are glad to know that they are covid-negative when they got tested for our Abu Dhabi shoot. Getting sick is a bummer especially at the start of the year and especially if you will miss out on shoots that you have looked forward to. On a brighter note, I get the chance to write this post and do some stuff that I did not have time to do.

This post is not meant to be about us getting sick and getting quarantined for 10 days but about how wonderful 2021 was and the best 2021 weddings we have become part of.

best 2021 weddings

Did we hit our targets? Not really. Did we get to shoot a hundred weddings and engagements as we wanted? No. Did we do destination weddings like we used to or receive awards for our images? (and maybe we should have submitted entries to at least have a chance). A big and sad no. But did we become part of amazing wedding stories? Heck ya!

It is not how many weddings we shot but how awesome the couples and their families are. I have said it before and will say it again – we will never get tired of shooting weddings. The excitement, the love story, the emotions, the fun, and the tears – these are what make us feel alive. From the simplest to the grandest wedding, we shot them all. It doesn’t matter if it is in a home or in the biggest ballroom, what mattered was friends and family that had come together to celebrate a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Best 2021 Weddings in Video

Take a look at some of the best weddings stories we have told in 2021. We have more weddings but we cannot show them all as some of them are private especially the Emirati and local weddings.

We also had a number of Indian and Pakistani weddings and if you have attended one, you know how exhilarating it can be. Here are some of the best Indian and Pakistani wedding stories we have told. 

As we look forward to 2022, we are hopeful that we will still be part of many wedding stories. I am so grateful to my team who have worked tirelessly shooting the best 2021 weddings (all of it!) until late and editing the videos and images after. We are grateful to our families and friends who continuously support us. Liking and commenting on our posts really help us reach more people. Thank you to all the couples who have trusted us with their wedding and engagement stories. Being your storytellers means so much to us. And most importantly, we would not be here without our God who has sustained us. 

Lamentations 3:22-23

Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, 

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

Best 2021 Weddings – Photos

If you have recently been engaged, our bigger and better team will be delighted to be your wedding storyteller. You can get in touch with us at or we can have a chat in our studio, socially distanced (don’t worry, we sanitize our studio every now and then) to talk about your wedding. And we can also do zoom. 🙂

In the meantime, do say a little prayer for us as we stay in isolation. 2 days done, 8 more to go! See you soon, outside world!


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