Thank God It’s Thursday!

Thank God it’s Thursday! Why? Because it’s Friday tomorrow and in the Middle East, Friday is the rest day or for us, it’s worship day.
To those who doesn’t have the heart of worship, Friday is a day for them to get more sleep, do their laundry, shop, meet friends, run personal errands or just chill out at home. They get excited with just the thought of not having to work and having the whole day for themselves.
For us, Friday is the day we worship together with fellow believers. It’s like heaven on earth. We sing praises, pray together, hear God’s word and just feel His presence among us.

We have been attending Emirates Baptist Church International for the past two and a half years now. They are our family here in Dubai and we just love them.
Last Friday, EBCI is back in the villa near Mercato  where it started. After more than a year of being homeless, we are back home. It felt nice to be home even though it is a lot smaller than Al Noor Gym where we have been worshiping after we left the villa. There is somewhat a different warmth when you are at home and that’s what most people felt. I think the kids even felt the same way.

Though we know that everything here will soon pass away and our true home is in heaven, a place on earth where we can freely worship our Lord with our “family” is home.

If you are visiting Dubai and looking for a church to attend, we happily invite you to attend our worship service. Shoot me an email and I will give you the details.


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