Day 1 -We checked in the hospital last 12th December expecting that our little bundle of joy will be only a few hours away. However, induction did not start until 1 am of 13th December. It was also quite a wait for the drug to take effect and labour only started at 5am.

me watching "Babies" to take my mind off the contractions

9am was the time I got my epidural. We were already anxious what time will our angel come.

2pm, Khloe Noelle came 5 minutes later

2pm, the doctor came and said that I was fully dilated and they were ready to deliver our baby. After a few pushes and 5 minutes, with the help of forceps, Khloe Noelle greeted the world with a cry!!! I almost did too…this is the most beautiful thing that has happened to MelRish!

She weighed 3.42kg and was 50cm long – healthy and pretty! My little girl looks just like her father!

her first portraits

So after all the pushing, Arish got me a McFlurry! Yipee!

Day 2 –

While the amazing reality of having a baby was sinking in, I had a good night’s rest at the hospital except for every three hours, they bring Khloe Noelle to me for feeding. I wished she could stay in my room except that the temperature was not conducive to newborns.

So when they gave us the clearance to go home, we took the opportunity and packed our bags.

3:00pm, 14th December, MelRish with their first Noelle was on their way home!

Day 3 onwards….

Life will never be the same with a bundle of joy crying, cooing and just simply loving us unconditionally…our little family is the biggest joy in the world.


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