One Day at the Capital | Washington DC Day trip

Let me pick up where we have left before I got distracted with redesigning our website and posting about a couple’s portrait. Ramadan has started and so we have plenty of time after work to clear some backlog posts. Dubai is pretty much like a giant microwave oven with temperature rising up to 50 degrees this July-August. So we do not have a lot of wedding shoots. But we still cover a lot of events and birthdays which keeps us busy this month.

So after 4 days in New York, we decided that the nearest best state we can visit before flying to Houston was Washington. We heard a lot about Washington DC and watching the sequel to The Night at the Museum made the trip more interesting. We had a wonderful stay at the Sheraton Hotel in Pentagon City. They had shuttles every half hour to the metro which is connected to the main sites.

Washington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day tripWashington DC day trip

Our day started with a visit to the Washington Memorial, the White House and Lincoln Memorial. The Washington Memorial was being resurrected after a plane crashed into it during the shoot for the “Olympus Has Fallen“. 😛 (just kidding!)

Washington DC day trip

They are all walking distance away from each other so we finished the sight seeing by noon. By that time, we were famished and tired. Guess where our tummies led us…to China Town. Asians love rice and this was rice paradise!

Washington DC day trip

Full and tired, we decided to take a nap back in our hotel before heating to the Capitol Hill and the Smithsonian museums. But our hotel beds were to too comfy and cozy and we slept longer than expected. By the time we reach the museums, they were ready to close and did not accept visitors anymore. 🙁 So we just went to Capitol hill and strolled in the Marion park watching people clean up “bones” (from an exhibit or something). Looked creepy though.

Washington DC day tripWashington DC day trip

We could have done more and seen more if we had more time. Darn that hotel bed! 🙂 And guess what, we slept early that night too because we wanted to make the most of our spacious room and lovely view.

Washington DC day trip



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