After a very long time of blog-abstinence due to our disconnection to the worldwide web, I finally have the opportunity to update our blog through the free wifi in the Dubai International Airport. I am not sure if I still know how to blog…so many things to write about and all the photos and stories all jumbled up in my head.

So yeah, we are now bound to Mumbai for our first ever destination wedding! Yipee! We are just excited to see what is in store for us in India…definitely the Taj Mahal, the people and the streetscape. On the same note, let me thank the people who made this possible – Jason and Odelia (aka Angel, Jason’s angel). Love you guys and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.Many thanks to our friends who prayed for our safe journey and have given practical advice.

Before boarding start (which is soon), let me post this 2nd and last part of our engagement shoot with Jason and Odelia in Souk Madinat Jumeirah and Umm Suqeim beach.


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