Noelle’s 2nd Baby Shower

Having a lot of friends is truly a blessing! 27th November was my 2nd baby shower with the majority of the Filipino community. I was really touched with the details of the preparation and how wonderfully the food was made. Yum! I had to forget that I had gestational diabetes that day.

photo by Danabelle

photo by Danabelle

There were a lot of fun and games and I bet everybody enjoyed every minute of it!

Rebecca, my dear friend, shared her thoughts on motherhood as we sat down for a bit of devotion. She also shared with me a song her friend sang. My heart melted and I suddenly missed my mother.

After the sharing and messages, it was time to open the gifts for baby Noelle. Then of course, a group photo!

I would like to extend my gratitude to all who came and shared the wonderful time. Special thanks to Ate Jojie for opening her home, Mrs. Wilson for organizing this special event, Ate Marissa for hosting the games…and I guess everybody else who made the day special. I could have had a 3rd party if my mum and relatives were here…


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