“Sorry, but I am busy.”

I have said it too much last year and this year I want to change it. Never too busy – this is my new mantra to myself and to my family. I cannot say busy is bad because it means a lot of projects has poured in and we have been blessed more than we deserve. But sometimes our priorities goes askew and the people and things that really matter takes a back seat. So I had a few weeks to reassess my priorities which is why I missed a lot on blogging. Truth was we were really busy especially during the winter season and there wasn’t even time to compose a lot of posts…and we almost did not have time for our kids. And this IS NOT RIGHT! I should never be TOO BUSY for my family.

LESSON 1: Set your priorities straight. I have said this on our blog several times before – family comes first. Children are only young once, and once you miss it, you can never get their youth back. So cuddle those munchkins until you can, play with them, watch cartoons with them, watch their concerts, be there when they need you…because before you know it, they will be right out of the door with their own lives. That major project which falls on their recital, skip it…or better yet, go to LESSON 2

LESSON 2: January. I sat with my to-do list and my schedule on hand. Overwhelming. How will I manage to give time to myself and my family? I have to learn to delegate and delegate I did. God provided us with the people and I slowly had to let go of some tasks I used to do myself before. To all budding entrepreneurs and those planning to jump into self-employment, it will never be easy on your first stage and until you learn to delegate.

LESSON 3: Enjoy. I still have a lot of work but I learned to delegate.Though I still need more time for other things like blogging, I feel more relaxed and happy because I can enjoy time with Khloe and Kurt guilt-free. We have worked hard and a well-deserved time with family is the best reward!

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!

To Khloe and Kurt, our sunshine and world, we will never be too busy again. We will try our best to be there everytime you will need a parent. We might not be there with you all the time but you will be in our hearts always and we will make it up lost time if we are not there when you need us. We will have to work late nights sometimes but when you call, we will never be too busy for both of you.

She likes biking after school












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