My last day with my previous company has arrived and passed. When I walked in to office last Thursday, I felt a little bit melancholy but the thrill of change kept me smiling the whole day. This was another chapter of my life closing…like a sun setting on the horizon.
My colleagues gave me the coolest send off. A few days back, I was worried my stuff doesn’t fit my new role in my new job. My bag looked like a high school girl’s and I said to myself I had to have a new one before Saturday. So as a remembrance, my colleagues gave me a bag, not only one, but two!!! And I already bought a new one Wednesday evening. Isn’t that just the craziest?

There are just so many things I will miss about working with KOJ peeps…I will miss the conversations, the lunch breaks, the jokes, the endless emails on a funny topic, the traditional “surprise” birthdays and the smiles through all the deadlines and projects. We were a big family!
I dedicate this photo blog to the friends I made and to the people who posed the challenges to help me grow.

These are just a few of the faces who made the 3 humdrum years of my 8 to 6 job noteworthy and exciting.   I want all of you to know that you made a difference in my life and I thank you for that. Hope our roads would cross again.


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