Mini Adventure at the Atlantis Lost Chambers

My life is hectic these days finishing a new project and juggling all other things. I have less sleep and less free time. That’s why, as soon as this project becomes successful, I will dance like crazy and give myself a break. I think almost all of us go through that phase of life that we wish we have two bodies just to accomplish everything we need. We get so caught up with these tasks that we forget that the things that matters most are not things. So inspite how crazy my life is right now, I still sit and spend time with family.

Lost Chambers AtlantisLost Chambers Atlantis

Last May, we took Khloe to the Lost Chambers. It was our first time too to really look inside and marvel at the sea creatures. Khloe was really excited and she screamed whenever a fish went close enough for her to see it up close. She got scared of the big fish in one of the aquariums. She was running from one aquarium to the next pointing at all the colorful fishes. It was a simple and short break from our busy life but it was worth it. Khloe means the world to us and seeing her happy and spending time with her is better than any riches in the world.

Lost Chambers AtlantisLost Chambers AtlantisLost Chambers AtlantisLost Chambers Atlantis

Family will always be first for us. We work hard for them but let’s make sure that we give what they need most – time and love. Hope you all have a nice weekend!


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