Lately we have not been carrying our cameras around like we used to. So whenever we see something worth shooting and sharing, we pull out our Iphones and click! We are using both Instagram and Lemeleme to process and share our images online.
Iphoneography is not something new in the field of photography but it is new for us. We decided to make a collection of Iphone images and share them with you. This is our contribution to the ever-growing world of Iphoneography.
We hope these images inspired you.
You see, you do not need to own the most sophisticated SLR to produce good images. And not all SLR owners are photographers. Now that more and more people can afford an SLR, more people think that what they do is photography and they are called photographers. In my opinion, photography is an art and it takes constant practice and improvement of skill before you can call yourself a photographer. It is not simply owning a camera. My point is, don’t let owning an SLR discourage you. Beautiful images doesn’t come from a camera, they come from the person behind the camera or an Iphone for that matter. It is learning how to identify the beauty (or madness) around us, interpret it in a photo which someone else can identify with and share it. If you think you have this passion, shoot away!!!
PS, follow us on Instagram if you have the app! We will be posting more images from our Iphones so watch out!