Look Ma! I am on Youtube!

More than a month back, I decided to swallow my fears and start a Youtube channel. Why did I do it?

One of my aspirations was to inspire people and be an ambassador of self-development. Then the thought of uploading inspiring videos came to my mind. But I had fears of what if people laugh at me…Youtube is only for the young and adventurous…what if no one watches my videos,…what will other people say? These were the fears that have stopped me for months. I wasn’t comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. I hated my own voice. I don’t like being in front of a camera. They say you will not grow unless you go out of your comfort zone. It would be ironic if I don’t face my own fears yet I advocate for self-improvement. 

I was not in it for the money I can get from ads when I get famous (as if I am going to be. lol!). I have always wanted to improve my self-confidence and communication skills and one tip was to talk to yourself in front of a mirror. However, I cannot review that talk and give myself a constructive feedback. So I thought since I am a filmmaker and we have the gear, why not take a video of myself. 

So finally, I have uploaded my first video almost 2 months ago and now I have 15 videos on my channel. I am on Youtube!!! And I am getting the hang of it. I have built better self-confidence and I am happy that my thoughts are documented on video – my thoughts about success, life and things I do to develop myself. If you have not subscribed to my channel yet, here is the link. Click here!

How about you? Do you have a fear that you want to conquer? Maybe 2020 is the year you JUST DO IT!


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