Little Feats and Big Dreams

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Our little girl is growing up fast. I sometimes find myself teary-eyed watching her succeed in her little endeavours which makes me think that maybe one day I will wake up and she is a grown-up who will get annoyed with my cuddles and kisses. Right she loves them and we hug and kiss a lot.

Though I do not want Khloe to grow up so fast, I am so proud of her little feats which is for her age big steps. She can now identify all the letters, recites them (not perfectly though) and she can count to 13…odd number but it’s our favorite number. She says “please” when she wants something and something it is so hard to refuse her “pleeeeaase” with Puss-In-Boots eyes begging at you. She says “thank you” after snatching the iPhone or iPad from my hand as if I gave it to her willingly. Naughty but adorable. We try and enjoy each moment and treat life’s lessons one step at a time.

Children photographyChildren photographyChildren photographyChildren photographyChildren photography

We have big dreams for her but it is not for her to be a successful businesswoman or a famous photographer. It is not our dream for her to be a millionaire but that sounds awesome. Our big dream for her is for her to be a a selfless, compassionate and kind person who will care about other people. Our dream for her is for her to know and love Christ. It is something that will not just happen overnight and will take a lot of work and it is taught through example. A big dream but achievable through training and prayer…and one step at a time.

We love you Khloe…and please don’t grow up to fast!



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