How To Become a Good Photographer Tip #1: Follow the Experts

We are trying to create a series of posts about tips and advices we could share on how to become a good photographer. It is actually more about notes for ourselves which we are making public to our readers so we all can learn and maybe our readers can even share with us a tip or two.

Our first tip for all aspiring photographers and photographers like us who wants to take better photos is to follow an expert, have an “idol”- it would be someone who is a master in their trade. You can follow one or you can follow several photographers.

Our first “master” is Annie Leibovitz. Our ultimate goal is to reach her level of authority in the field of photography. She must be the most sought after photographer in our generation. We just love her recent photograph of Angelina Jolie for Louis Vuitton.

Our fantasy call is from the future president of the US who will commission us to do their family portrait. Teehee! Annie Leibovitz for us is an icon.

Our second favorite is Cliff Mautner. He is our wedding photojournalist hero. His talk about wedding photojournalism in GPP almost 3 years ago inspired to pursue our passion for wedding photography. He gave us the insight to make a difference and step beyond the traditional way of taking photos. Ever since then, we try and follow his blogs and posts. His photos are just like a book…it doesn’t just tell a story, it narrates a novel. So we want to be like him someday,…someone revered in this field.

We also follow Dino Lara. For us, he is the Filipino master in wedding photography. He has a classic touch to all his images and like Cliff Mautner, his images tell a story. In every project we have, we also strive to take images which tell the story. We are unable to stand stiff, made-up and run-of-the-mill photos. So we try and get inspired by the masters.

We actually have a long list of photographers whom we stalk to inspire us. For us, one step to be a better photographer is to learn from the masters and then create your own way to the top. Follow but be different. Create your niche.

But of course, don’t just sit down all day and read all their posts and view their galleries…go out and do your thing. Shoot!


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