Have you ever had a mind vacuum experience? I did, which is why we did not blog anything for the past week. After our photography workshop a week ago, my mind entered into a state of laziness. It is like all our thoughts funneled out of our mouths and kaboom! We couldn’t write about anything anymore or we just felt lazy to think….
Anyways, our Ipad2 inspired my stiff fingers to start typing again. And boy, it is a good experience we almost missed out telling you!
Our workshop last week was amazing! Edventure Travel hosted the event and invited us to conduct the photography part while Chi Panistante gave a workshop on basic drawings and art. Sad we missed it though.
We love our attendees. They were all enthusiastic and eager to learn. We just hope they did learn a thing or two from us. And since my fingers have woken up and my mind started collecting thoughts again, we will be sharing the points we have shared in our photography workshop here and add bits here and there. We will be blogging tips and lessons we learned so stay tuned. Forgive me though for being a lazy bum now and then. Arigato!
P.S. We might lead an Edventure Travel photo walk on 16th July so stay tuned to that! And here was the poster for last weeks event done by Chi Panistante



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