Hello 2012!

This is our story…

2012 almost caught us by surprise…well, not really. 2011 was a really good year for us. We got a real taste of what parenthood really meant and we enjoyed every bit of it. It was a challenge juggling parenting, working full-time and photography all at the same time. And it could not have been possible without our family and friends’ support and of course, a ton of prayers and guidance from God.

Khloe grows up so fast is all that I can say. She is one fine trooper and a cheeky little girl. She is our sunshine!

Child Photography - Melrish photographyChild Photography - Melrish photographyChild Photography - Melrish photography

She can now walk and talk (maybe babble is the better term) and she can even unlock my Iphone and swipe through our Ipad’s apps. It was an adventure taking her through her first airplane ride and taking her to another country which was Malaysia. Her first birthday was a blast and she definitely had fun with Jollibee (I still think each child should celebrate a birthday at Jollibee!) and opening presents.

Child Photography - Melrish photographyChild Photography -Melrish photography

Christmas with the grandparents was also a great experience for her. 2011 is all about her and the next year, and the next year, and the next…

We had a lot of projects in 2011 and that I lost count already. Mostly were portraits. We also started doing films in 2011 and our first videos are up in our vimeo account. Do check that out! Learning new things and getting better is always a yearly goal.

<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/32466089?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0″ width=”400″ height=”225″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

So now that 2012 is here, we can’t help but look back at 2011 fondly and look forward to an exciting new year with a pocketful of hopes and dreams. Taking 2012 one day at a time and making each new day special.

P.S. one thing we should get better is keeping this blog updated always. 🙂


On Key

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