From Beirut With Love

Two days and 11 more to go…

I arrived in Beirut Sunday evening and I already miss my family like crazy. I knew this would happen so I bought a couple of books to keep me company.


I also brought my camera with me because I would not miss this opportunity to bring memories of Beirut with me when I go back Dubai. I came here for work so I haven’t really gone around to see touristic places. I have a few shots of the streets on my way to newest mall in the city, Beirut City Center. Beirut is different from the other Arab countries I have been to. Unlike Dubai, Beirut had slopes and hills. The weather is definitely better. Although it is expensive to stay here. My usual 15dhs KFC lunch is 9,000lbp here (equivalent to 22dhs). There are not a lot of buses but a lot of taxis and they are expensive. My 15 minute ride from was 65000lbp = around 150dhs!!!

Beirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photographyBeirut Lebanon photography

Here is my home for the next weeks or so (at Four Points Sheraton Verdun)…

Four Points Sheraton Verdun

But the worst part is I miss my family terribly. Chatting with them through Skype every night doesn’t seem to be enough. Warm hugs and butterfly kisses will never replace hours of Skypeing. But hey…just a few more days and I will be in the comfort of our bed being hugged on the neck by 2 of my favorite people! I just pray that the days would go faster. Right now, all I can do is send my love from Beirut.

Family PortraitFamily PortraitFamily PortraitFamily Portrait

These photos were taken at Al Satwa Park by my sister two months ago. 🙂



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