Elia’s Sumo Birthday – Dubai Events Photography

This is another late post. I was afraid Elia would be 2 years old already before I get around to write this post. Good thing itchy fingers here got in the mood.

It was a different first year party. There was no spaghetti and no mascot. But the guest had fun, sumo fun! Elia’s parents love Japanese food and they know their guests are tired of the usual children’s party food. They know their guests well. And Sumo Bento didn’t disappoint them. There was an overflow of sushi, maki and sashimi. Arish almost drooled while taking photos. Lol! Without further ado, here are photos from Elia’s first birthday with a Japanese theme.

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Big sister Elisha who is going to celebrate her birthday soon. Sad that we are already booked that day.

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Here is more of Elia, the birthday celebrant and no, she is not Japanese.

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Here is a heart-warming photo of the family as they blow the candle out together.

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And the best part of the party (in a child’s point of view), opening of the gifts!

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