Dubai Newborn Photographer | Nina’s Newborn

This is a late Mother’s Day post…late for UAE or Gulf Mother’s Day (21st March) but right on time for the British Mother’s Day (30th March) and too early for the American/Australian Mother’s Day (11th May) we follow back home and French Mother’s Day (25th May). I think most of you will remember Nina…we shot her maternity photos here. After 2 months, she called us back to shoot her newborn baby girl. We adore this family because they are really sweet and nice.

Dubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographer

She is Nina and Paul’s firstborn.

Dubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographerDubai maternity photographer

I remember when we had Khloe, we didn’t had any help during the first 3 weeks  except for visiting friends. It was mostly long-distance calls to my mother and the good ol’ Google that answered most of my questions. How would I know, I never had a child before…it was a wonderful experience even though sometimes I wanted to cry because I didn’t what to do, I was happy just staring at our baby’s smile. The whole experience of being a mom made me appreciate my mother even more. Raising all three of us with my father far away was not easy. I remember her fanning us to sleep because we didn’t have A/C back home and sometimes the electric fan wasn’t enough to cool us or it overheats. She used to take us to school at noon and she used to carry our bags with 10-12 textbooks in each bag and we will walk about 1 km everyday. We get home, and the house is clean, dinner is cooked, clothes are washed and ironed. I remember when I was in kindergarten, we cannot afford storybooks and my friend then had a lot…my mother will borrow them and copy them by hand…rewriting the poems and drawing the characters. She patiently made test papers and everyday will sit with us to run through our studies. With Khloe getting all distracted and making all kinds of excuses just to skip the writing part made me appreciate my mother more because it really tests your patience. You want all the best things in life for your kids but sometimes they don’t understand and they think you are being a tyrant. Growing up and getting into a lot of trouble made me realize that yes, my parents were right.

Being a mom is not easy. So I don’t think I will have to wait for mother’s day to let my mother and all the mother’s know that you are greatly appreciated. You are angels on earth and we thank God for creating you.

Happy weekend!


MelRish Photos and Films are also Dubai newborn photographers who specializes in lifestyle photography. We are award-winning Dubai wedding photojournalists and wedding videographers who love tellings stories with a heart.

Contact us for more info and bookings.


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