“You said, Ask and I’ll give the nations to you
O Lord, that’s the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us”…
Last night was our 12th lesson in Perspectives and the speaker has again moved my heart for the unreached people groups. On our way home, my heart was singing this song again and again and my mind is racing for ways to do my part in God’s great plan.
You see, Perspectives has helped me identify my purpose in life and I’m just now waiting for God’s directions on how to accomplish this purpose. He has blessed us and chosen us to bless all nations.
There are 2.72 billion people who never heard of the truth plus there are many more people who have been misled by religion. This is what God’s heart longs for…His lost sheep. This is what our hearts cry for.
My hands are small, my voice weak
My little feet will not reach far
But my heart is big…
It beats for God’s purpose, His love
To see all nations bow down to Him.
O Lord, to you no deed too small
Each step towards your mission is a leap
The Gospel proclaimed will echo
for you are God and your light will shine
To you O Lord I give all that is mine.
My hands are no longer small,
My voice is no longer weak
My feet will take me to places…
Because they are no longer mine
They belong to my Jesus, my Lord and Master.
– by Melrish


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