Coffee Table PhotoBooks by MelRish

We were supposed to blog about this long way back and we were supposed to insert these photos in our website to let our dear and cool prospective clients know that we offer UV laminated custom handmade albums for their photos.

We just love taking photos and it is our main goal to render the best services to our client-turned-friends. We try to take all our photos in an artistic and natural way but we try to make sure they tell a story. We design our albums that way too…like a story book. It lets anybody who flips through them get involved in the story.

We are just happy and proud to have tied up with the best suppliers. Our album page finishes range may be matte, glossy, linen textured, or metallic – depending on customer choice.

The album may be a hardbound type or magazine-type. The cover can be textured leather (in any color), printed, silk, or acrylic. The combination is just endless.

We love the reactions our clients make when they see the finished product. They are just ecstatic.
So if you are interested in having a photography session with us, you have an option to immortalize your photos with our high quality albums. Drop us an email to personally check out the swatches and samples.☺


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