A Senior’s Portrait – Dubai Portrait Photographer

This is Sarah Han. Graduating this year from a prestigious school in Dubai, she is second to the youngest of five siblings. She will now move on to the USA to pursue a bachelor’s degree and then maybe a masters’ degree leaving her parents’ nest very soon. I cannot tell how much her parents are so proud of her but it is definitely in their eyes and smile. Of course, whose parents will not be proud with a sweet, loving daughter who also happens to be an outstanding student and a musical prodigy?

Sarah’s short story, “Open Doors”, won her an award in Emirates Airline Literature Festival competition. Not only does she excel in literature, but also in music. She plays the violin every Friday at church. And her smile is just infectious.

Senior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait Photography

The light in Al Safa Park was fantastic. All these were shot with ambient lighting and with a reflector to bounce the light.

Senior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait Photography

While we were shooting, this family came up to her and the dad asked if she can play the violin for the kids. The kids were fascinated and awestruck!

Senior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait PhotographySenior Portrait Photography

I really admire girls who are not only beautiful but also brainy but my utmost admiration goes to the parents who raised such kids.  I salute those parents and maybe you can send that “How to Raise Intellectual and Talented Kids” this way! 🙂


On Key

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