A Maternity Shoot | Simple Motherhood in Black and White

Tonight is the night we go to the hospital to deliver our new family addition, Khloe’s baby brother. That is one of the advantages of getting induced – no surprises (although we had a false alarm 2 days back). But even after 38 weeks, we still didn’t find the time to do a proper maternity shoot. I think that is the way life is, tailors have torn clothes, bakers don’t celebrate their birthdays with an elaborate cake, and well…photographers do not have proper photos of themselves. Plus I am the type of person who prefers to be behind the lens rather than in front of it and we had more urgent things to do like edit photos and videos and shoot a number of events. Believe it or not, I was still able to shoot a wedding 2 days back. I thank God because I had a relatively easy pregnancy. I think being blessed with motherhood was the biggest drive that I had to at least have some remembrance of this stage in life…

Last week, amidst our busy schedule, we thought of taking Khloe Downtown Dubai for a bicycle ride. The weather was perfect and it was a time for us to take that needed break and spend time as a family. We brought our camera and Arish took some photos of me and Khloe. I prefer lifestyle shots as I feel they are more relaxed and more natural. It is more….ME. I loved how these photos describe what being a mother is like…being busy is not an excuse to take your child out for a bike, being there when they get scared, giving your child the best hugs and kisses in the world and giving them piggy back rides inspite of an aching back. These are the moments I will treasure forever because I know when they are teenagers, I will no longer have these moments. When they leave the nest and find their own worlds, hugs will be as seldom as a shooting star and piggy back rides will just be the thing of the past. So I cherish these simple blessings of being a mom.

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

After running around, Khloe got tired and hungry so Arish got his wish to eat at Little Bangkok. I would recommend this restaurant for someone looking for tasty Thai food. Yum!

After our appointment with the doctor yesterday, she confirmed that I will be delivering tomorrow morning so I have to check myself in at the hospital this evening. And however cliche it may be, I have to have that “bare tummy” shot. After all, we do not plan to have a third child. And like our Downtown shoot, the thought of not having a baby in the future was my strongest urge to go for it. These are milestones in life that I will be cherishing until the day we get old. A maternity shoot is not only about doing it for the sake of having it but because you want to remember this blessed stage in life.

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Dubai maternity in black and white

Ok, so here they are…just to tick it off our list! We will be posting more photos as we welcome our little Kurt Zachary into the world. We appreciate your sincerest prayers for a normal delivery and a healthy baby. Thank you in advance and God bless you all.


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