A few more minutes and Christmas is over…well at least here in Dubai and half of the world. But I don’t think the LOVE must stop there. Jesus Christ said that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves and in celebration of Christmas, we should keep this commandment in mind every minute in every single day. We have just seen the Hobbit and it has inspired us especially when Gandalf said, ” I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love…” And we are all capable of small deeds.

Like everybody else, we got too busy this month,..from shifting, Khloe’s birthday celebration, Christmas cantata, 5 weddings on our schedule and last-minute Christmas shopping – December is definitely the busiest month of the year. Here is a summary of what our December looked like…

We have finally shifted and here are some of the Christmas decorations we got from Daiso for a few bucks.

This is not one of Christmas decoration but she is definitely cute.

Christmas Cantata! This yearly EBCI event makes December warmer with Christmas songs and presentations. Maybe next year you can attend one. Can you spot Arish in the choir?

We can’t believe it! Our little baby just turned two!!! Time flies so fast!

 But inspite of the of our busy-ness, we wanted to make sure we spend time with family and friends. So to all our family and friends, a Merry Christmas to you – today and everyday!


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