This is our first destination wedding and it was really a fun and memorable one.
Odelia and Jason stumbled upon our website and contacted us. They liked our work and trusted us enough to fly us to Mumbai, India. They were our clients but now they are very good friends. We had a swell time shooting their engagement photos and we also covered their Roce, a pre-wedding ceremony where they groom and bride to be are bathed with coconut milk before their wedding day. Here are a few photos of the Roce. Fun ain’t it?
The wedding on the 5th of December was an unforgettable event for the couple who prepared each and every detail. It was unforgettable for us too the way their families and friends welcomed us and helped us in every way. Here are photos of the details.
Their wedding was held in Don Bosco in Mumbai and their reception in the Imperial Banquets.
On their way to the reception venue, we clicked their picture in the building lobby. We later realized the poster of girls looking awed seemed to have been deliberately included in the photo..not!
This nice shot was taken in an elevator.
I really love their cake because of how personalized it was.
There were around 300 or more guests but everybody had a great time especially Jason and Odelia. They really rocked the dance floor.
But there were tear shedding too that happened. Odelia had a lot of tears to shed. ;-P
Best wishes to the two of you! Cheers!