Why We Haven’t Blogged For A Long Time

Okay, so we haven’t blogged for like centuries. Our followers might have thought that we have disappeared to nowhere or have forever lost our way as we vacation in a place where internet was never invented. Sorry guys! Here is why we haven’t blogged for a very long time….

Have you ever planned your life and what your next step would be then suddenly something happens and it changes the course of your life so dramatic and you know things will never be the same? Well, that happened to us!


Earlier this year, I got an offer, which was difficult to turn down. A well-loved furniture brand in the US was opening their first branch outside North America and they were looking for a Visual Manager! With my background in Interior Design, accepting the offer would be like the a good thing to further in my career. Being exposed to retail for more than 6 years and with my furniture experience, I was sure to enjoy the job and learn a lot from it. Plus working with a good-natured boss was a real bonus! I weighed the pros and cons and of course, the brand, the position, the job objective and the boss won over the benefits I had with my company of more than 3 years. I would miss my old friends but then…I will make new ones and I will be only in Dubai.


The biggest reason why we haven’t done any projects recently is because we are preparing for the biggest project of our lives! Unexpectedly, we received our blessing late March but we didn’t discover it until May. We were taken aback and our joy was insurmountable! We always prayed for a child since 2008 and now our prayers were finally answered. Our cameras suddenly took the backseat and looking after my health and her health was the priority.

It was difficult to turn down some clients and we apologize if you are one of them. We are just taking a break this last 3 quarters of 2010. But guess what! We have not retired and we offer discounts to people who will book us for 2011 (if you book us before December 2010)! Though we still accept a few special projects especially if it does not involve running and long hours. J

So for now, our favorite subject is our forthcoming daughter – Noelle! Can’t wait to see you in December!

Baby Noelle on her 4th month

These sudden turns of events make life more exciting and meaningful. We give praise and thanks to our Lord.

We have also started a new blog in blogspot.com called Daily Dose of Miracles (www.dailydoseofmiracles.blogspot.com) . If you are a recent follower, and if you are looking for older posts, check out www.melrishphotography.blogspot.com. We also have a Tumblr account – www.melrishtoday.tumblr.com – see what we are up to today. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook because we will be updating them regularly from now on!


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