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How Do You Show Love Without Faces In A Photograph?

An Introvert Couple Story

A&I Wedding, Dubai 2019

A Unique Request from a Filipino Couple

Filipino weddings are typically lively, with couples eager to share their joy with loved ones, both in person and online. But Mavz and Romz broke the mold. They wanted their love story to stay private, reminiscent of our experiences with Arab weddings. This felt different, as it’s not something we often see with Filipino couples.

M&R Wedding, Batangas 2024

A Challenge Turned Opportunity

Love in the details

every love story has its own flow, whether it’s shared publicly or kept behind closed doors

Our Flexibility brings Comfort

We’re always flexible with our couples’ wishes. Whether they want their love story published across Instagram or kept just between them, we’re here to capture those moments in whatever way makes them most comfortable.

More of their intimate photos? https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ckCCxvzc6VG91u8G/


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