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We are already halfway through the 1st month of 2011 but we could not still get over 2010! It was truly a wonderful year for us. 2010 surprised us with a lot of new beginnings.

We started the year with a trip to the captivating city of Singapore. It was a pleasant trip.

Unplanned but it was worth the risk, I shifted to another company. The new job and the new boss is such a blessing!

We were blessed to be able to photograph three beautiful weddings during the first half of the year. And we even managed to shoot one more by the end of the year with a big tummy. (Watch out for our blog later on about this)

We also covered a few events and we learned a lot from a fashion shoot!

But 2010 was not all sunny and lovely. We found ourselves saying good bye to a few friends…

And the blessing we have been praying for more than a year came to us as a surprise…we were elated when we found out we were expecting. We tried lying low in photographing weddings and traveling distant places.

With our little trooper tagging along inside the tummy, we went to Kuwait (for work), Mussandam and finally got to see the Abu Dhabi Mosque – just a few amazing places here in the Middle East…not so far away from home.

We also shifted to our new place in preparation for our little girl’s arrival.

And finally she came before 2010 bade us farewell. It was the best 2010 gift we received…it is the best gift ever!

Oh 2010, you are such an unforgettable year. We will never see you again but you definitely left a mark! Hope the next years will be as exciting as you!


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